Once upon a northern night

Jean E. Pendziwol and Isabelle Arsenault, Goundwood books, 2012.

“Once Upon a Northern Night offers an enchanting interplay of text and illustration that grows richer with each turn of the page, and seems destined to join the ranks of winter-themed classics to be reached for year after year.”

— Quill & Quire
To pur­chase Once upon a northern night, please visit your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or order online fromGroundwood books.Once upon a northern night est disponible en ligne ou dans une librairie indépendante près de chez vous.

To pur­chase Once upon a northern night, please visit your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or order online from

Groundwood books.

Once upon a northern night est disponible en ligne ou dans une librairie indépendante près de chez vous.



2016 - Prix des Mini-Zinzins Cycle 3 - finalist

2014 - Bank Street College of Education Best Children's Books of the Year

2014 - TD Canadian Children's Literature Award - finalist

2014 - Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award - Shortlist

2014 - Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children's Picture Book Award - shortlist

2013 - Toronto Public Library's First and Best

2013 - A Quill & Quire Book of the Year


French: Scholastic (Canada)

French: Magnard Jeunesse (France)

English: Walker books (UK)

German: Verlag Freies Geistesleben

Dutch: Querido

Japanese: Nishimura Co., Ltd

Swedish: Epix Bokförlag


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